February 2020 Cultivating Iowa's Talent Continuum with the ABI Foundation

February 13th, 2020 Chapter Meeting

Program: Cultivating Iowa’s Talent Continuum with the ABI Foundation

Description: Jessi McQuerrey will be joining us to provide an overview of the work of the Iowa Association of Business and Industry (ABI), which has served as the state’s unified voice for business since 1903, with specific focus on the efforts of the ABI Foundation. She’ll discuss how they are working to develop Iowa’s future workforce through their high school and college programs, Business Horizons and Leadership Iowa University, and provide an in-depth look at their program for Iowa leaders, Leadership Iowa. More than 1,200 Iowans have taken part in Leadership Iowa over the course of its 38-years of being the state’s premier issues-awareness program.

Talent Triangle: Strategic and Business ManagementJessi Steward

Presenter: Jessi (Steward) McQuerrey

Director of Programs

Iowa Association of Business and Industry Foundation


Jessi McQuerrey is the Director of Programs at the Iowa Association of Business and Industry (ABI) Foundation, where she has been on staff since 2014. Jessi’s role is to oversee and manage each aspect of the ABI Foundation’s programs and ensure that they continue to serve Iowa by providing valuable experiences to participants from across the state, from high school students to adult leaders in all industries. Jessi also serves on the Business/Marketing Program Management Committee and the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Advisory Council for the Iowa Department of Education. She enjoys working with leaders of all ages and backgrounds and promoting Iowa as the best state to live and work. Jessi grew up in Cedar Falls, received her B.A. in Communication Studies from Central College in Pella, and currently resides in West Des Moines with her husband, KJ.



Location: Comfort Inn & Suite Airport CID, 710 America Drive, SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

Guests: $20.00

Chapter Members: $13.00

PDU's: 1.0

Check in              7:15 AM
Program begins  7:30 AM
Program ends     9:00 AM

You are encouraged to bring your business cards with you if you have them!

Pre-registration Expires: 11:59 p.m. CT on Monday, February 10th

Cancellation/Refund: Cancellations must be received by 11:45 AM CT on Wednesday, February 12th to avoid being charged as a no-show for this chapter event.

To obtain a refund for a cancellation made before the deadline, send a request to the VP of Finance, Please note your name, event, event date, and payment amount in your e-mail.

Please note that since September 2018, due to PMI process change in reporting PDUs, we will not be reporting PDUs on behalf of members for Chapter Meetings. The members will have to claim on their own manually. We still plan to do for Yearly Professional Development Day (PDD). Please refer to the link for more info. 

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Meetings

Date: February 13th, 2020

Hour: 7:30AM to 9:00AM

Registration close date: February 10th, 2020 at 11:55PM

# of PDUs: 0


Students: $20.00

Members: $20.00

Non members and Guests: $20.00