Board Elections
Board Elections
The PMI Eastern Iowa Chapter (EIC) Board of Directors is made up of dedicated volunteers who constantly strive to add value to the membership and to forward the best interests of the chapter. All members in good standing with the PMI Eastern Iowa Chapter have the right to participate in the election of chapter officers.
Each chapter member may submit only one ballot. All elected Board of Director positions will serve a one-year term in office. There are no term limits, with the exception of President who is limited to a one year term unless there is no suitable candidate to run for the position. Each Board member is authorized to recruit a committee of volunteers to provide support in his or her duties. The Board of Directors is comprised of the following positions:
- President
- President-elect
- Secretary
- Vice President of Communications and Publicity
- Vice President of Education
- Vice President of Finance
- Vice President of Operations
- Vice President of Outreach
Details about the Board positions can be found in the Chapter Bylaws.
Please read the biographical information provided here to familiarize yourself with the candidates who are running for the 2024 board positions.