June 2019 Chapter Meeting

June 2019 Chapter Meeting

Program: Starting a New Company

Description: The program will be about all the steps it takes to get a company off the ground and started. The lessons learned and the people who are out the to help you.

Talent Triangle: Strategic and Business Management

Presenter: Mike Ball, PMPMikeBall

Experience in program and project management handling complex communications technology and personnel related projects. These often require unexpected and insightful solutions, including both US and foreign locations. Develop successful team and delivery processes through training and implementation of new/improved procedures. Establish facility operations, train management, perform FMRC Audits and technical staffing.

Cross-field education and experience in electronics, computer science, business, and management. Engagement examples include: mentoring teams through cultural change, cost reduction and efficiency improvement, process improvement, training, successful implementation, and delivery. Active member of the Project Management Institute (PMI) with a PMP certificate. 

Company Bio:

Company 13RME LLC Consulting, Engineering Project management 

Started in 

2016 with two people and a revenue of $60,000.00

2017 five contractors and a revenue of $200,000.00

2018 closing we have 13 contractors 

As we close 2018 at 13RME I want to review what we accomplished:

  1. We completed projects in the following International areas: Japan, Canada and Germany and Israel 

  2. In North America we worked in Alaska, California, Michigan, Illinois, Idaho, Georgia, Virginia and Texas in the departments of staging and upgrade operations.

  3. You have co-contractors in the following locations (depending on what time of year) Florida, Israel, Illinois, Iowa and Wisconson

  4. Payroll in 2018 exceeded $600,000.00

  5. Contracts won but not delivered exceeded $1.6 million 

  6. Across three companies completing R&D, field engineering and system upgrades 


710 America Drive, SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

Location: Comfort Inn & Suites Airport CID, 710 America Drive, SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

Guests: $20.00

Chapter Members: $13.00

PDU's: 1.0

Check in              7:15 AM
Program begins  7:00 AM
Program ends     9:00 AM

You are encouraged to bring your business cards with you if you have them!

Pre-registration Expires: 11:59 p.m. CT on Monday, June 10th

Cancellation/Refund: Cancellations must be received by 11:45 AM CT on Wednesday, June 12th to avoid being charged as a no-show for this chapter event.

To obtain a refund for a cancellation made before the deadline, send a request to the VP of Finance, Please note your name, event, event date, and payment amount in your e-mail.

Please note that since September 2018, due to PMI process change in reporting PDUs, we will not be reporting PDUs on behalf of members for Chapter Meetings. The members will have to claim on their own manually. We still plan to do for Yearly Professional Development Day (PDD). Please refer to the link for more info. 

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Meetings

Date: June 13th, 2019

Hour: 7:30AM to 9:00AM

Registration close date: June 10th, 2019 at 11:55PM

# of PDUs: 0


Students: $20.00

Members: $20.00

Non members and Guests: $20.00