April 11, 2019 Chapter Meeting
Talent Triangle: Technical
Presenter: PMI Eastern Iowa Chapter Leadership Team
When it comes to giving back, April is our opportunity to do just that, as we collaborate again with Kirkwood and their Project Management classes through the Construction Management Department. The event is co-sponsored and hosted by Kirkwood's Joe Greathouse, Assistance Professor of Construction Management. This activity allows our Eastern Iowa Chapter (EIC) to support Kirkwood as they strengthen their Project Management Curriculum. Our members have a unique opportunity to share their knowledge and expertise with the students and probably learn from them as well. On the same token, the students get the added benefit of networking while connecting with current Project Management Practitioners! The plan for the meeting is based on what has worked really well in the past. Each table is set up with a mixture of students and Project Management Practitioners. There is a set of pre-written questions on the topic of project management with a lead person who keeps the discussion going. It is a lively and interactive activity that allows students and Project Management Practitioners to connect on a common topic for a period of 10 minutes before moving on to the next question. Come prepared to both listen and share, as this meeting promises to be both unique and fun. It is a great opportunity to provide outreach to students who will soon be joining us as business professionals when they graduate. |
Non-members: $20.00
Chapter Members: $13.00
Student: $10.00 Use discount code "April2019_student" and bring student ID to check-in.
PDU's: 1.0
Kirkwood Community College, Room 123, Jones Hall, 6301 Kirkwood Blvd., Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Program ends 9:00 AM
You are encouraged to bring your business cards with you if you have them!
Pre-registration Expires: 11:59 p.m. CT on Monday, April 8, 2019.
Cancellation: Please cancel by 11:45 AM CT on Wednesday, April 10, 2019 so we can accurately order breakfast items for this chapter event. Send a email to the VP of Finance, Please note your name, event, and event date your e-mail.
Our thanks to Kirkwood for hosting the April chapter meeting and giving us the opportunity for outreach to area students with an interest in project management! This event is always a great opportunity for all participants to engage with one another and learn through problem solving.
It is no longer possible to register for this event