Thursday, May 10, 2018 7:15 am - 9:00 am PMI Chapter Meeting
Program: Evolution of NewBoCo
Come and see how our NewBo area is evolving and innovating!
For the May chapter meeting, we will hear from Nate Adams who works at NewBoCo. He will be speaking about the non-profit organization NewBoCo and its focus areas of entrepreneurs, innovation, education K-12 and adult education. Nate will talk about the evolution of NewBoCo and his role in this organization. We will be taken on a tour of the NewBoCo facility, see the innovative environment with all the organizations that reside there and hear about the diversity in this unique building.
As an added bonus, we will hear from individuals from a couple of organizations in this building and how project management relates to the work they do.
· Geonetric - Helping healthcare brands thrive with effective digital marketing
· Converge - Digital strategy in education
Talent Triangle: Strategic and Business Management
Presenter: Nate Adams
Cost: $20.00 Non-member/$13.00 Member
PDU's: 1.0
Location: Geonetric 415 12th Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52401 (includes tour at NewBoCo)
Check in 7:15 AM
Program begins 7:45 AM
Program ends 9:00 AM
Pre-registration Expires: 11:59 p.m. CT on Monday, May 7, 2018.
Cancellation: Please cancel by 11:45 AM CT on Wednesday, May 9, 2018 so we can accurately order breakfast items for this chapter event. Send a email to the VP of Finance, Please note your name, event, and event date your e-mail.